"Small Steps Can Make Big Changes": Double Black Alpine's Adoption Of the Tourism Emissions Reduction Program
Discover how Double Black Alpine, a Victoria-based tourism operator, embraced the ERC Protocol to enhance their sustainability efforts. Learn about their journey from measuring carbon footprints to integrating structured environmental strategies, and how small steps are making big changes in their business.
By Carbonhalo
June 4, 2024
Double Black Alpine

Since 2019, Double Black Alpine has been a beacon of innovation in Victoria’s High Country tourism sector, connecting visitors to the diverse seasonal experiences the region has to offer. From summer cycling tours along the Great Victorian Rail Trail to winter ski adventures at Mt. Buller, Double Black Alpine is dedicated to curating unforgettable experiences.

Emissions Reduction before the Program

Double Black Alpine has always prioritised environmental consciousness, especially given their location in an eco-sensitive region. "As a transport provider, we have always been mindful of our environmental impact," the company’s owners Eddie and Sarah states, acknowledging the inherent challenges of operating sustainably within the Australian snow industry.

Challenges Leading to Adopting the Program

The primary challenge for Double Black Alpine was quantifying its environmental impact comprehensively. "Our challenge was to understand and measure the full suite of contributors to our environmental/carbon footprint," they explained. This issue highlighted the need for a structured approach to realize the full potential of their sustainability commitment.

Discovering and Implementing the Program

Double Black Alpine 2
Double Black Alpine

The Tourism Emissions Reduction Program based on the ERC Protocol came to their attention through an industry update from Tourism North East. Motivated by the potential to structure their sustainability practices, Double Black Alpine embraced the program. "It was included in one of Tourism North East (TNE)’s regular industry update EDMs... the ERC Protocol delivered us a platform to structure our own program," they noted. Particularly impactful was Stage 1, which involved identifying and calculating current emissions, providing them with new insights into areas for improvement.

Integration and Results

Integrating the ERC Protocol streamlined their existing efforts. "We were already seeking to progress a sustainability journey; although a bit fragmented... So the integration into our business operations was straightforward," they remarked. One of the immediate benefits was the ability to use the TERC logo, which "starts conversations; whether it's guests or other businesses."

Future Outlook and Commitment

Double Black Alpine is committed to continuously updating and advancing its sustainability plan, now a core aspect of its annual work planning. "The public visibility of the plan also encourages discipline and accountability to keep it up to date and progress it," they added, highlighting the importance of transparency in their environmental efforts.

Recommendations and Final Thoughts

Double Black Alpine highly recommends the Tourism Emission Reduction Program to other businesses, praising its accessibility and impact.

"Gives an easy starting point... It provides a digital platform and structured approach to move forward on," they advise other companies.


Their journey exemplifies how even small businesses can take significant steps towards sustainability. They conclude with a piece of advice for others:

"Small steps can make big changes. Doesn’t need to be perfect – simply make a start. Go from there and continually learn."

Check out their Tourism Emissions Reduction Plan here.  

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